As much as we hate stereotypes and being labeled without given a chance to define ourselves, the world continues to just go with the flow. While I typically just roll my eyes at stories like this, this one caught my eyes since it brought up an interesting point. Well, should I say the people commenting on it brought up an interesting point, but first, the story:
It shouldn't be a surprise that there's an increasing amount of females getting interested in game. While sadly, they are more interested in typical "gamer girl" games, it is a fact that cannot be ignored. Ubisoft, the creator's of the Imagine and Ener-G series, has highly taken notice of this.
According to a survey conducted in 2007, 50% of Ubisoft game users were women which then jumped to 57% in 2008. The company also says that their forums of female games has doubled over the past few weeks. Ubisoft has now created a new studio, Tornado Studios, to create games dedicated and aimed directly at girls. They also believe that what is driving Wii sales it the amount of girls, women, and families interested in their games like the Imagine series that now has 16 crappy...I based on topics girls like such as fashion, interior design, and babysitting. With the Ener-G series having sports, like gymnastics and horse back riding, for girls looking for more sport orientated games.
Ann Hamilton, a senior brand manager with game publisher Ubisoft, states, "These interactive games are great for self-expression and creativity among girls." (If that's so, then where's my Imagine: Game Designer game where I can be creative and make non-****** games and express my disliking for this?) With the article concluding that they are doing best to appeal to the growing female market. (If so, then where's my Assassin's Creed 2?!)
Source: Joystiq
Anyway, the reason why I wanted to bring this up is because Joystiq stated something that got me thinking...They said, "Even so, while we applaud efforts to put controllers -- any controllers -- in the hands of the women, we just wish the industry wouldn't continue to vomit shovelware into the market under the guise of good intentions."
Perhaps they're right. Prince of Persia and Far Cry 2 were the last big-named, "non-girly" game released and that was a few months ago. However, it seems like every time I go into work, there's a new Imagine or Ener-G game for me to put out. Looking at Ubisoft's "Coming Soon" list, I see two fashion-based games and a game based on a TV show...Nothing that sounds remotely interesting to anyone with decent taste in gaming.
Could these companies (there are others focusing on games dedicated to girls or "casual" audiences) be using that statistics as an excuse to half-ass projects and cut costs since these two audiences don't really know what "quality" is? I'm sure they gain enough of a profit from these audiences since, whether you agree with them or not, they do spend a lot of money on them to keep the company going, especially if the company isn't required to pay for a large team to produce crap?
Your thoughts, please. I personally say yes. Those dirty, marking bastards are geniuses!