Last night at roughly 3am, my boyfriend and I finished Gears of War 2's co-op mode on Hardcore. I knew from the beginning that Gears 2 was going to be a solid, enjoyable title but needless to say, Epic blew my mind with a good portion of the game being completely unexpected.
Most of what made Gears 2 great was pretty obvious from the beginning. Epic pretty much fixed every gameplay complaint I had with the first game. The team A.I is definitely much better; they actually take cover, have better aim, and revive each other as well as you. The weapons both sound and feel much better to use- in particularly the Sniper rifle. But what made Gears of War 2 stand out was the level design.
I never expected to get eaten by a giant worm...Nor did I expect to be running through burning, collapsing buildings...Nor did I expect to ride Reavers or a Brumack. All these moments were intense and exciting, giving me a thrill that I haven't felt in a game in a long time.
Then the multiplayer is amazingly great; I've fallen in love with the Horde mode because there's nothing like a group of you trying to fend off wave after wave of Locust.
Needless to say, I was both pleased and surprised by Gears of War 2. With solid gameplay, great multiplayer, and just overall being a memorible experience, I have no doubt that Gears of War 2 will walk away with plenty of Game of the Year awards this year.